Marine Link
Friday, September 20, 2024

Klyne Fleet Developments

A growing force in the North European market, Lowestoftbased Klyne Tugs has upgraded a powerful salvage tug for U.K. Coastguard use and ordered its first-ever, purpose-designed newbuilding from a yard in Japan.

The versatile Anglian Prince has just taken up station at Stornoway, in the northern Hebrides, in readiness for her first winter season deployment under contract to the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).

As a designated Emergency Towing Vessel (ETV), her main purpose will be to assist shipping in the event of a situation where there is a potential threat to life or the risk of pollution to the environment. The MCA has made a commitment to the Anglian Prince for three seasons commencing Oct. 1 each year, thereby providing cover of an area notorious for heavy weather in the winter months with an extensively-equipped tug offering a bollard pull capacity of 170- tons. From her winter homeport on the Isle of Lewis, she will carry out her duties in liaison with the local Coastguard network, RAF and Coastguard helicopters, the RNLI and other emergency serand lifesaving gear has been taken aboard to ensure that the requirements of the specialist ETV role can be met in full. In the meantime, the company's 190-ft.

(58 m) deepsea anchor-handling (Continued on page 110) Salvage tug Anglian Prince has been refitted for U.K. Coastguard duties. D ^ R A I V I A X ® I V I A R I E ME As the world leader in Water-Lubricated Rubber Bearings, we are committed to providing product when you need it. With our worldwide network of field warehouses, sales representatives and stocking distributors, Johnson Cutless" Bearings can be found in nearly every corner of (he globe. We stock hundreds of sizes of Johnson Cutless" Sleeve, Flanged and Demountable Stave Bearings tor inch Hid metric sized shafting.

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MCA's assistant Chief Coastguard Tony Griffiths said "We have previously worked closely with Klyne Tugs in resolving several major incidents in the past, and look forward to developing a similar close operational relationship in the future. This is essential to ensure a successful outcome to marine accidents." Klyne Tugs carried out a program of modifications at its Suffolk base port of Lowestoft, involving local contractors and featuring the upgrade of several shipboard systems. A completely new firefighting outfit was installed, entailing two remotely operated monitors and a self-contained diesel-driven fire pump, capable of supplying 1,200-cu. m. of water per hour. The system incorporates a Counterfire foam proportioner, to give a water/foam facility as required. Anglian Prince now has new ARPA radar equipment and an enhanced GMDSS communications system. Additional salvage

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