AdvanFort: 33 Guards Released from Prison in India

April 5, 2014

33 of AdvanFort 35 are released for good on Saturday

33 of the 35 guards who have come to be known as the ‘AdvanFort 35’ were released from prison for good on Saturday, the judge ordered. They were released on bail last week, and today the judge ordered them to be freed. AdvanFort, the company that employs those guards has submitted a quash request to the Indian court system, and expects to have the remaining two guards released, and to have the case dismissed as well.

Some of the family members of the guards have been to the prison to visit. Others have been very vocal, even going so far as to present a petition the UK Parliament to intervene. AdvanFort acting president, Ahmed (AL) Farajallah, said today, “We are happy about the progress, but we’re still working night and day to have the case dismissed, and to have the remaining two guards back home soon.”

The remaining two guards are the master and crew leader of the ship. India's plan was to charge them for not notifying the country of the weapons they had on board when entering Indian waters. AdvanFort maintains these charges will be dropped based on the international safe passage law which allows any vessel safe passage through a nation's waters.


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