Fairmount Alpine Delivers Emma Maersk in Palermo

February 26, 2013

Photo: Fairmount
Photo: Fairmount

Super tug Fairmount Alpine has delivered the container vessel Emma Maersk at Fincantieri’s repair yard in Palermo, Sicily. To tow the 398 meter long 156,907 DWT Emma Maersk towards Palermo Fairmount Marine was contracted by Maersk Line. Tug Fairmount Alpine happened to be in the eastern Mediterranean area and was promptly mobilized to Port Said, where Emma Maersk has discharged her cargo at the Suez Channel Container Terminal. Fairmount Alpine and Emma Maersk left Port Said on Sunday February 17 for the 1,276 miles voyage to Palermo, where the convoy arrived on Monday February 25.


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