17Th Annual Joint Shipping News

Ship Finance: Where is the Money?

While capital for the maritime industry remains tight, lenders insist that funding is available for well- managed public companies. At the 17th Annual Joint Shipping Conference held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel February 8, 2011 - a conference co-sponsored by the Hellenic-American/Norwegian-American Chambers of Commerce - finance leaders addressed the question of capital availability. "There is a flight to quality," said Martin Lunder, SVP, Nordea Bank. Proof is the value of industry deals through Nordea Bank over the past three years, from $30b in 2008 to $8b in 2009 to $15b in 2010. "Existing companies with a track record have the best access today," said Ted Jadick, president & CEO, DnB Nor Markets.