Aden Peninsula News

Aden’s Fifth SPP Crane Delivered

Delivery of the fifth Super Post Panamax (SPP) Reggiane Crane on February 24th to the Port of Aden emphasizes its policy of phased expansion of container handling services to meet increasing demand. This additional crane, with the same 55m outreach as the first four delivered in 1999, will allow the Aden Container Terminal (ACT) to handle over 500,000 TEU, a figure that it soon expects to reach. Yard operations were expanded in 2001 by delivery of additional five RTG’s plus tractors and trailer units. Aden has maintained an average annual container volume growth rate of over 40 percent during the past 9 years. Volume has risen from 121,600 TEU when the ACT opened in 1999 to over 377,000 in 2001, above 50 percent each year.