Aksel Skjervheim News

Container for LNG Hybrid Barge Reaches Hamburg

In the coming year, the HUMMEL (bumblebee) LNG Hybrid Barge will enable Becker Marine Systems to supply low-emission power to cruise ships lying at port in Hamburg. The first container with liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel has now arrived in the Hanseatic City. As part of the LNG Hybrid Barge’s testing program, the first gas container for the marine fuel was delivered on Monday. “The testing of the gas engines at the Port of Hamburg is a first for both the classification society and participating authorities…

Low Emission Ships Aid Statoil

Statoil said savings in acid-rain-causing nitrogen oxide (NOx) from two new low-emitting ships would allow it to meet its NOx emissions reduction targets from one new power station. "We've been given permission to credit these NOx reductions against land-based projects," Knut Barland, vice-president for environment at Statoil said. The North Sea supply ships are small compared to cargo ships, but are so powerful they can be used to drag around oil rigs. They are usually so thirsty for diesel that they pump out as much NOx pollution each day as several thousand cars. But by designing each of them to run on Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), gas that has been super-cooled until it condenses as liquid, NOx emissions from the two ships can be cut by 85 percent or 420 tons a year.