Al Mukkala News

Unprecedented Cooperation in Gulf of Aden

In the late morning of 26 August the EUNAVFOR Norwegian warship HNOMS Fridtjof Nansen received an emergency call form the Italian m/v Southern Cross that she was under attack from pirates. The Southern Cross was transiting the Gulf of Aden, some 80 nautical miles south of Al Mukkala. HNOMS Fridtjof Nansen and the helicopter of the South Korean warship Daejoyoung from CTF 151 responded directly to the situation. While the Fridtjof Nansen and the helicopter were approaching, the skiff with five people on board broke off the attack after having fired several shots to the pilot house of Southern Cross and escaped to the south. The EU NAVFOR German warship FGS Bremen also launched her helicopter to join the search for the pirate skiff.