Alianca Navegacao E Logistica Ltda News

RFAI Key to Monitoring West Coast Agreement - FMC

Following is the statement of FMC Commissioner William P. We do not take our hands off the wheel just because an agreement is allowed to go into effect without the Commission taking any further action to delay the implementation of the agreement. FMC staff has requested certain information from the parties to the Pacific Ports Operational Improvements Agreement (PPOIA). To date, the response by the PPOIA parties has been incomplete. As a Commissioner I am interested in information including but not limited to service agreements between the vessel operating common carriers and the marine terminal operators, as well as information related to chassis operations.

Complaint Filed with FMC

The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) issued a notice stating that a complaint has been filed by Anchor Shipping Co. against Alianca Navegacao E Logistica Ltda. The complaint alleges that Alianca engaged in a number of activities in connection with a service contract that violated the Shipping Act of 1984 and injured Anchor Shipping. The proceeding has been assigned to the office of the Administrative Law Judges. Source: HK Law