Alistair Burt News

U.K. Sponsored Anti-piracy Centre Opened

Government minister Alistair Burt officially opened the Regional Anti-Piracy Prosecution and Intelligence Coordination Centre (RAPPICC) in the Seychelles. The RAPPICC will bring together experts from around the world to share intelligence and information which will help to tackle the king-pins and financiers of piracy. Commenting at the ceremony for the Regional Anti-Piracy Prosecution and Intelligence Coordination Centre (RAPPICC), the Minister said, "I welcome the vital work of the RAPPICC, which begins in earnest today.

Somali Counter-piracy Cash from UK Government

UK Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt sets out funding, commits to continuing the fight against piracy & maritime insecurity. $1.135m of additional funding to the UNODC’s Post Trial Transfer Programme, to complete the construction of a new prison in Garowe, Puntland, to hold convicted pirates in facilities that meet international standards. A $100,000 project to tackle corruption in the Somali penal system. As UNODC continue the process of transferring pirates back to Somalia, we face the risk that convicted pirates may seek to secure early release by the paying bribes to prison staff. The project will extend existing anti-corruption awareness training from Garowe prison to all the prisons in Somalia holding piracy prisoners. A $240,000 project to develop the Somali coast guard.