American Council Of Engineering Companies News

Eliminating Waste Water Discharge

Environmental professionals in industry are tasked with the unenviable responsibility of managing the delicate balance between compliance with ever-increasing and at times mind-numbingly complex and stringent regulations and maximization of production efforts. Consequently, Environmental Compliance Officers are perpetually on the hunt for alternatives to costly process controls and best management practices designed to mitigate potential negative impact. Requirements of the Clean…

EBDG-Designed Project Honored by ACEC

The replacement of three historic river ferries along the Missouri River in Montana has been recognized by the Montana chapter of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). The Missouri River Ferry Rehabilitation Project won an Honor Award at the Montana chapter’s annual engineering competition. The vessels were designed by Seattle’s Elliott Bay Design Group (EBDG) and Helena, Montana-based Morrison-Maierle, Inc. The Montana Department of Transportation-owned project involved the design and construction of three replacement ferry boats and their cable drive systems, as well as new terminal structures and site improvements. EBDG developed the vessel hull design, propulsion system, electrical/mechanical systems and safety features on the ferries. Morrison-Maierle, Inc.