Analox Sensor Technology News

Under the Pole Divers Breathe Easy Thanks to AST

UK firm Analox Sensor Technology Ltd. (AST) is backing an expedition which aims to produce previously unseen footage of submarine Polar Regions: 'Under the Pole Part II – Discover Greenland' has been inspired by explorer and diver Jacques Cousteau. AST say that a small team of divers/explorers, supplied with the company's vital safety equipment, has now embarked on a journey which will see them spending 22 months crossing the Polar region. In the first 20 days, the team reached Torshavn in the Faroe Islands…

Raising Awareness of the Dangers of Confined Spaces

Analox Sensor Technology is calling for increased awareness of the potential dangers to anyone whose job requires them to work in confined spaces. Analox Sensor Technology specializes in gas sensors, detectors and alarms. “It is easy for oxygen levels to fall in confined spaces, or levels of toxic gases to rise,” said Managing Director Mark Lewis. “Without detection equipment, a person cannot know before entering such a space whether it is safe or not. The call for better awareness of the potential dangers follows an incident in which a water meter reader suffered severe brain damage. It was reported by IMCA, the International Marine Contractors Association. The meter reader entered a chamber approximately 1.8 meters deep to carry out a routine reading.