Aos Great Britain News

Apostleship of the Sea Launches Maritime Emergency Fund

Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) has launched a maritime emergency fund which aims to provide fast and modest cash grants to seafarers in difficulties. The dedicated fund is designed to respond to emergency financial or welfare requests from seafarers or their families in less than 24 hours, taking the immediate pressure off stressful situations. “Most seafarers and fishermen enjoy good living and working conditions but there can be circumstances when crew are not paid, cannot access communications to speak to family and loved ones and even lack food, water and heating,” AoS Great Britain National Director Martin Foley said during the launch of the fund on board the HQS Wellington in London on June 19.

Pope Francis Advocates for Seafarer Support

Pope Francis has addressed the Regional Coordinators of the Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) who are meeting in Rome this week. The meeting is organized by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, which coordinates the activities of AoS worldwide. The gathering will discuss the work of AoS worldwide and how to better communicate its ministry within AoS’ global organization, to seafarers and to the wider Catholic community. At the end of the audience he greeted Sr. Mary Leahy, regional coordinator for Oceania and Fr.