Apl Vietnam News

APL: Vietnam Seaport Master Plan Must Have Long-Term Focus

Vietnam must better coordinate the planning and construction of an integrated seaport network to handle the country’s rapid trade growth, according to container transportation leader APL. The company was providing an update of the findings outlined in a research paper, entitled: “Vietnam Transportation and Logistics: Challenges and Opportunities”, developed earlier this year by the NOL Group, the Singapore-based parent company of APL, to examine Vietnam’s transportation and logistics environment. “Vietnam’s cargo growth potential is tremendous. Average historical growth of containerised cargo of 20% could rise to 25% per year. Previous government forecasts have underestimated actual growth of container volumes…

APL’s Extends Vietnam Service

March 2006. Kong on Saturday and Chiwan on Sunday, before returning to Haiphong on Wednesday. America. needs for enhanced service reliability and more capacity as trade rapidly increases. for North Vietnam exports and imports.” Mr. Tan said. Thursday. transit times in the industry to key markets. and Southampton in 24 days. value of Vietnam’s exports up by 24% to $US32 billion. the increased reliability offered by the new HCX service.