Barry Holliday News

William P. Doyle Appointed as DCA Executive Director & CEO

The Dredging Contactors of America’s (DCA) has selected the Honorable William P. Doyle, Sr. as its new Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). William Doyle currently serves as a Commissioner with the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission having been unanimously confirmed twice by the U.S. Senate as a Presidential Appointee, and remained onboard with the Administration of President Donald J. Trump. Mr. Doyle served over a decade as an officer in the U.S. Merchant Marine as an engineer aboard numerous classes of vessels. He is a licensed attorney and marine engineer. Combined, he has over 25 years of experience in transportation and maritime policy serving in senior level executive roles including Presidential appointee and previously chief-of-staff…

US Dredging Needs Growth as Army Corps’ Budget Shrinks

Spend dollars up on dredging, cubic yards moved down. Combined with a reduction in the USACE federal budget, the situation threatens a perfect storm for domestic requirements. U.S. dredging this decade, measured in cubic yards, is only half as active as it was in the early 1960s, with maintenance down slightly since then and new work off considerably, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or USACE. The nation’s spending on dredging in unadjusted dollars has swelled tenfold since the 1960’s, however.

HMT Trust Fund Coalition, 2011 Budget

The Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund Fairness Coalition expressed disappointment in President Obama's budget proposal for the 2011 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Program. The Coalition said the proposed budget of $4.887b continues to inadequately invest in our nation's water resources infrastructure, and it reflects an additional $565m cut below what was enacted by Congress for the Corps in Fiscal Year 2010. "The proposed cuts in investment for this nation's coastal navigation needs are critically restrained and will result in serious reductions in channel dimensions," declared Barry Holliday, Chairman of the HMTF Fairness Coalition.

Stimulus Package Funds Dredging

"The member companies of the Dredging Contractors of America (DCA) are pleased by the inclusion of $440 million of critically needed dredging projects in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stimulus list," said Dan McDougal, President of DCA. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act "will provide a shot in the arm to the maritime and boating industries, as well as supply hundreds of family wage jobs for employees of the nations dredging and marine construction companies," he said. "Many of the stimulus projects are intended to restore poorly maintained projects to full project dimensions. Adding the stimulus projects to the normal workload and the continued Gulf Recovery effort will present a challenge to the Corps and its partners in the dredging industry.