Baungaard Jakobsen News

Pull the Handle Down...

One of the most effective and easiest fuel reduction operations is reducing the engine power by reducing the speed of a vessel. Out of the total operational costs of a vessel, fuel costs account for, by far, the highest proportion. When fuel prices soared, the technical experts of one of the world’s biggest shipping companies set about to solve the problem, and slowing down was the solution they devised. By 2009 significant fuel savings resulted from sailing its ships at 12 knots instead of 24, and ”Slow Steaming” officially became the standard operating procedure in their fleet.

CIMAC Circle 2010 at SMM in Hamburg, Germany

Held on 9 September at SMM, more than 150 delegates attended this year's CIMAC Circle, covering the total cost of ownership of marine propulsion engines. Inevitably, the panel of engine builders, engine (vessel) operators and engine system and component makers were strongly influenced by the effects on engine first costs and engine running costs of the upcoming IMO Tier II and Tier III emissions regulations, due in 2011 and 2015 respectively. As Dr. Udo Schlemmer-Kelling of Caterpillar Motoren noted in the title of his lively presentation: IMO III is knocking at our door. The levels of emissions reduction prescribed by IMO Tier III for vessels operating in Emissions Control Areas clearly come at a price…