Brazilian Pem Setal News

Keppel FELS' Subsidiary Gets FPSO Conversion Job

Halliburton Productos Ltd. Production Storage and Offloading facility (FPSO). This contract, once it is finalised, will be a major step for FELS Setal, as the last time any work of this magnitude was performed in Brazil was over four years ago. It is expected to re-vitalise the offshore and marine fabrication industry in Brazil, with projections to create thousands of new jobs for the state of Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian PEM Setal respectively. It is operating from a 360,000 sq. Angra dos Reis, about two hours south of Rio de Janeiro. deployment in deep waters of the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Southeast Asia. subsidiary, AMFELS secured a $76 million rig order from Chiles Offshore. Sedco Forex.