British Maritime Technologies News

IALA 2014 Conference Paper Focuses On Reducing VTS Operator Stress

The IALA 2014 Conference held at La Coruna, Spain, 25-31 May, played host to an in-depth paper by Todd Schuett, Training Manager, Kongsberg Norcontrol IT (KNC) that focused on solutions for reducing stress in the often high pressure VTS operations room environment. As part of the ‘Global Navigation’ technical sessions at the conference, Schuett’s paper, titled ‘Reducing Operator Workload and Stress Through Cooperative Human-Machine Systems’, covered findings from the EU Artemis Joint Undertaking-funded research project, ‘Designing Dynamic Distributed Cooperative Human-Machine Systems’ (D3CoS). The paper described VTS Trials undertaken within D3CoS that sought to establish a relationship between workload and stress levels…

Second Innings For SA

The Salvage Association is staging a comeback. Having been acquired by British Maritime Technologies in March last year, the SA has now been revamped and relaunched. In an attempt to transform itself from a not-for-profit organisation into one that can survive in a commercial world, the new SA has announced an expansion of its services into all maritime sectors. In addition to traditional hull and machinery surveys, the SA is now offering a whole host of services, including litigation support and expert witness work. The relaunch was announced at a well-attended reception at the Baltic Exchange in London last week. By far the most energetic response to the SA plans came from the legal contingent following the announcement of a new legal fees collection service for lawyers.