Bypass Oil Filtration System News

Proper Engine Maintenance Leads to Significant Cost Savings

Engine Maintenance trumps a tough economy. Bypass oil filtration technology is one way to get there. For the past several years, ferry service and tugboat operators have had one eye on fuel costs and the other on the economy. But worry as they might, there’s not much, if anything, that operators can do to effect change to the economy or to reduce the price of fuel. What they can do, however, is effect change to reduce their company’s operating costs and that’s where proper engine maintenance can make a significant difference.

puraDYN Receives ISO 9001:2000 Certification

puraDYN Filter Technologies Inc., the global bypass oil filtration system provider, has received ISO 9001:2000 certification from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 9001:2000 is a series of internationally-accepted, multi-part quality management systems for industry-wide standardization applied to manufacturing and service organizations. Jim Gaynor, Director of Manufacturing and Operations, said, “We began this process in 2003 in order to meet the needs and expectations of our customers and management.