Cargo Care Solutions News

Inspections Highlight Perils of Poor Maintenance

A recent state inspection campaign which raises concerns over multiple problems with hatch openings should be welcomed by the industry, said the message from Peter Peltenburg, Group Director of Cargo Care Solutions. “We cut corners on maintenance at our peril,” he said. “ As the economic downturn bites, the industry has seen a shift to lower-quality products, and a less systematic approach to scheduled maintenance. The comments were made after a state inspection campaign, supported by Tokyo MoU, revealed a large number of vessel deficiencies relating to cargo hatch openings, and reported one casualty during the campaign period. “While operators are aware of the need to keep cargo in good condition…

Cargo Care Solutions Targets Hatch Failures

Tokyo MOU Inspections Highlight Perils of Poor Maintenance, Warns Cargo Care. A recent state inspection campaign that raises concerns over multiple problems with hatch openings should be welcomed by the industry, is the message from Peter Peltenburg, Group Director of Cargo Care Solutions. “We cut corners on maintenance at our peril. As the economic downturn bites the industry has seen a shift to lower quality products, and a less systematic approach to scheduled maintenance.