Chevron Overseas Petroleum Inc News

Offshore Week

PanCanadian Petroleum Ltd., Canada's No. 2 oil company, could soon be on track to develop an East Coast offshore gas project to rival the huge Sable Island project, its chief executive said. PanCanadian, the oil and gas arm of conglomerate Canadian Pacific Ltd., plans to drill two appraisal wells this year near its recent Deep Panuke gas discoveries, made at the site of the exhausted Copan oil project off Nova Scotia. The wells will give the company the geological data it needs to decide whether to pursue more drilling or full development, PanCanadian CEO David Tuer said. Two recent wells drilled into the gas formation beneath the old oil reservoir tested at more than 50 million cubic feet a day each.

Chevron To Buy Argentinean Oil Exporter

Chevron Corp. has announced its intention to buy the second largest oil exporter in Argentina to boost its exploration and production overseas. The companies did not disclose financial details of the deal, but industry sources had valued the privately-held Petrolera Argentina San Jorge at some $1 billion. "This transaction will have an immediate positive impact on earnings and cash flow," Dick Matzke, president of Chevron Overseas Petroleum Inc., said. The venture is Chevron's first exploration and production deal in Argentina. Privately held San Jorge produces about 78,000 bpd of oil and 40 million cubic feet of natural gas, Chevron officials said.