Client Council News

SSI Launches ShipConstructor 2015 R2.1

SSI has today released ShipConstructor 2015 R2.1 software. The software release comes in response to emerging ship design, engineering and building trends as identified by SSI’s Client Council of industry leaders. The advisors on this software launch were representatives from U.S. and Canadian companies: Genoa Design, Glosten & Associates, Gunderson Marine and Trinity Marine Products. This group has similar production methods and/or design approaches. A different set of advisors from Europe provided input into the previous Client Council release last year.

Design’s Future 3D Modeling, Virtual Reality Wave of Design Future

Rooted in early computer-aided design (CAD) and manufacturing applications, design and construction software is firmly at the helm of most shipyards today, enabling the production of  better designed, more efficient and consistently built ships produced with measurably less waste: less waste of time, materials, man hours and most important, money. The ROI can be substantial, and is traceable throughout the entire process, across all sub sectors such as project management, purchasing, materials, labor and build sequencing.

ShipConstructor Update Responds to New Needs

ShipConstructor 2014 R2.1, released from SSI, has been specifically designed to rapidly respond to emerging trends in ship design and engineering as identified by SSI's new Client Council program, the company said. "Both technology and industry requirements are evolving quickly so our clients continually need to adapt," explained SSI CTO Denis Morais. "SSI's Client Council program has been designed to address this by having focus groups of similar clients propose new features that SSI can quickly incorporate into our software.