Continuous Supply Chain News

Maersk, Syngenta in New 4PL Contract

Extending their partnership with a contract for fourth-party logistics (4PL), Maersk and  Syngenta highlight their joint commitment to responsible logistics based on continuous supply chain optimization and innovation.As a  player in the agrochemical industry, Syngenta continuously looks for ways to optimise its supply chains to deliver on its ambition of producing food efficiently and responsibly and thus increasing productivity without harming the planet. A long-term cooperation with Maersk, the global integrator of container logistics, enables both parties to jointly develop solutions that not only respond to the current logistics needs of the industry…

Floating Rail Bridge Between U.S. and Mexico

CG Railway, Inc., located in Mobile, Ala., operates the only rail vessel service in the United States market providing an alternate transportation mode between the U.S. and southern Mexico. Every four days, CG Railway provides a safe, fast and eco-friendly rail-ferry service transporting all types of rail cars to and from Mobile, Ala. and Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz. CG Railway’s direct service provides competitive rates with fast reliable transit. The faster transit secures additional savings to the supply chain through optimum equipment utilization and lower inventory carry cost. Each of CG Railway’s two rail ferries have the capacity to carry 115 standard rail cars and travels only 900 miles by sea as opposed to 1,400 miles via the traditional Mexican–U.S. border crossings.

MarAd to Present Shipper Award

MarAd Administration will present the Shipper Award to the Fluor Corporation of Aliso Viejo, Calif, for their continuing support of the United States Merchant Marine. Acting Deputy Maritime Administrator Julie Nelson will present the award in a ceremony hosted by the Propeller Club of the United States at the Washington Navy Yard. Fluor has moved more than 32,000 metric tons of Iraq reconstruction cargoes and maintained a continuous supply chain through Iraqi ports.