Daniel Montes News

Mariners Learn Get LNG Handling Experience At MSI

Maneuvering trials and Shiphandling training for Guayanilla, Puerto Rico Masters, Pilots and tug Masters were conducted at MarineSafety International's Newport Simulator Center April 17 - 20 and July 5 - 7, 2000. The port of Guayanilla was modeled, including a new LNG terminal to accommodate large, deep draft ships entering the port for the first time. The objectives of the trials were to give the mariners an opportunity to gain experience handling large LNG ships in their restricted harbor. Docking operations were conducted as well at the new LNG facility. Safety margins were assessed under challenging wind conditions and with different tug configurations.

Mariners Get LNG Handling Experience At MSI

Maneuvering trials and Shiphandling training for Guayanilla, Puerto Rico Masters, Pilots and tug Masters were conducted at MarineSafety International's Newport Simulator Center April 17 - 20 and July 5 - 7, 2000. The port of Guayanilla was modeled, including a new LNG terminal to accommodate large, deep draft ships entering the port for the first time. The objectives of the trials were to give the mariners an opportunity to gain experience handling large LNG ships in their restricted harbor. Docking operations were conducted as well at the new LNG facility. Safety margins were assessed under challenging wind conditions and with different tug configurations.