David Fish News

Coast Guard Officers Attend NTSB Hearing

Officers from the Coast Guard’s office of investigations and casualty analysis attended a hearing of the National Transportation Safety Board which outlined findings and recommendations related to recent accidents involving Coast Guard vessels, including the fatal collision with a recreational boat in San Diego, December 2009, killing 8-year-old Anthony DeWeese. “We want to thank the NTSB for its thorough investigation and insight on this accident. Many of the findings in the NTSB investigation confirm the Coast Guard’s own investigation and study of the accident,” said Capt. David Fish, chief of the office of investigations and casualty analysis.

Deepwater Horizon Joint Investigation Preliminary Report: USCG Jurisdiction

The Joint Investigation Team charged with examining the explosion on board the mobile offshore drilling unit Deepwater Horizon and resulting oil spill – comprised of representatives of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) and the U.S. Coast Guard – announced Friday that the Coast Guard members of the team have released their findings related to issues under Coast Guard jurisdiction. The findings, which comprise Vol. I of the Joint Investigation Team Report, cover five aspects of the disaster – including the explosions on the Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) Deepwater Horizon; the resulting fire; evacuations; the flooding and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon; and the safety systems of the MODU and its owner, Transocean.