Don Gregory News

Maritime, Gaming Worlds Collide

Red Funnel's Redjet 7 will serve as a bench test for an innovative vessel docking project between a maritime data company and university student game developers.Efficient vessel docking which melds traditional maritime know-how and cutting edge gaming tech is the focus of a project between Azurtane, a Southampton maritime energy efficiency firm, and the School of Media Arts and Technology at Solent University.The project seeks to leverage the skills of student game developers in a high precision kinematics (HPK)…

Azurtane Launches New Vessel Positioning Technology

Southampton marine technology firm Azurtane is developing an advanced vessel positioning system.Working in conjunction with Red Funnel, the Isle of Wight ferry company, first trials are set to begin on the ferry operator’s high-speed craft RedJet7 in late April 2019. Azurtane’s new technology will be capable of positioning vessels within 4cm of a given location, something even the most experienced seafarer would struggle to achieve.Azurtane managing director, Don Gregory, believes…

New Fuel Regs Drive Scrubber Business

The Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Association and its members are preparing to meet higher demand for gas scrubbing systems to bring SOx emissions in line with the targets set by the IMO’s 2020 fuel sulfur content proposals. As previously reported by this correspondent in Maritime Reporter and Engineering News (December 2016 issue, page 24; January 2017 issue, page 28), the IMO has come in for some severe criticism over its proposals to introduce a global marine fuels sulfur content cap of 0.5 percent (mass/mass) by the year 2020.

Industry Ready for 2020 SOx Emissions Rules -EGCSA

The Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Association (EGCSA) has raised concerns regarding the possible delay to the adoption of a global limit on fuel oil sulphur emissions, which is to be considered by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in October 2016. The international association, which represents more than 25 member companies dedicated to reducing sulphur oxides (SOx) and particulate emissions from marine exhaust gas, says there is a need for action to prevent SOx emissions from continuing to cause health problems and damage to the environment, and stress that the technology to achieve SOx emissions equal to or even below the regulation limits is already proven, cost effective, and widely available.

IBIA Expands in Asia

world. is tasked with increasing IBIA's Asian membership. hub in the world, with sales reaching 23.6 million tonnes in 2004. quality, accountability and image of the bunker industry in the region. already has a large membership across Asia. those members and also help us gain more members. bunkering market in the world. to the heart of regional issues that affect the Asian bunkering industry.

IBIA Calls on Industry to Comply

meeting the specific technical requirements laid out in the legislation. the maximum sulphur content in bunker fuel. indeed if we hear reports of fuel exceeding that very conservative limit". bunker fuel. note specifying density, viscosity and sulphur content. present these at a future port state control inspection. compliance with the requirements," says Gregory. form of sulphur emission control areas (SECAs). active in the North Sea on May 19th 2007. have agreed to enforce the legislation. and taking an approved bunker sample. years after the date of the bunker stem. signatories to Annex VI.

IBIA Delegates Warned of Costs of Unfeasible Distillates Switch

The International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) was told at its annual convention in Montreal this month that a new report estimates that it would cost $67b over the next five years to implement a wholesale switch from traditional bunker fuels to distillates only for the world merchant fleet. The distillates-only option was also described as “unfeasible”, due to lack of sufficient refining capacity. The report, prepared for the American Petroleum Institute (API) by EnSys Energy & Systems Inc and Navigistics Consulting, highlights the considerable costs of meeting possible stricter air emissions regulations imposed by a revised MARPOL Annex VI and…

IBIA Gains IMO Consultative Status

The International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) gained Consultative Status at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). IBIA's status has been confirmed by IMO's Council after IBIA received formal recommendation from the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) at its meeting in 2005. Don Gregory, chairman of IBIA, says: "IBIA has rapidly developed in stature and influence and has enjoyed steady growth in membership since its formation 10 years ago. We have much to offer the IMO in terms of expertiseon issues which concern bunkering. Ian Adams, IBIA secretary general, says: "Global and regional legislators have been drawing…

IBIA Supports Port of Singapore Bunker Initiative

negative interest and uncertainty in the market. contradictory clarifications. react to such incidents. issues. effectiveness. transparency and integrity," says Gregory. CP60:2004), and various other schemes. all in the bunker supply chain. considerations beyond rules and regulations. factors and technology have a role to play. the image of the bunker industry. Gregory. the bunker supply chain in Singapore. suppliers and major fuel testing companies. taken to segregate and remove non-conforming product from the supply chain. incidents cause problems. eliminating unacceptable practices. BQAP. chain. and continuous improvements to serve them better.

IBIA calls for Clarification

with the timing of the SECAs introduced under Marpol Annex VI. help to spread confusion. sulphur content in marine fuel oil. 2005. oil burned on board ships must not exceed 1.5%. SECAs which fall under IMO's Marpol Annex VI. service between EU ports. apply. January 1st, 2010. everybody. IBIA welcomes responsible legislation which promotes this. rules which affect international shipping. undoubtedly affect regional competitiveness, world trade and effective compliance. chairman of IBIA.