Dp Lab News

The New Reality: Investment in Maritime Simulation Surges

The proliferation of increasingly sophisticated and realistic maritime simulation facilities is taking the market by storm, with investment globally to train new and old mariners alike to exacting new standards. “Simulation technology has continued on a more or less steadily upward trajectory over the last ten years,” said Sam Pecota, Director of Simulation, California Maritime Academy, “The clarity and fidelity of our current full mission simulators is significantly superior to that which was possible at the turn of the century.

MPT to Invest $1.5m in Training Program

Maritime Professional Training (MPT), a DNV Approved Maritime Training Center and an ISO 9001:2008 Company, has committed another $1.5m to further enhance its “Project 2010 & Beyond”. This project was envisioned as a means to update a wide range of their courses and enhance the learning experience and cost effectiveness for their students. MPT said the funds will be spent almost exclusively as part of their ongoing expansion of its simulation facility, the S.M.A.R.T. Campus. The facility conducts Simulation for Maritime Assessment Research and Training and has long been used for both regulatory course compliance as well as research projects for port development and familiarization training.