Dry Bulk Shipowners Association News

IMO to Shed Light on HME Disposal Confusion

Guidance circular to be issued for ships calling at ports without reception facilities for Harmful to the Marine Environment (HME) waste, including Hold Washing Water (HWW). Shipowners pleas for greater clarity on what to do when there are no adequate port reception facilities to receive residues including Hold Washing Water (HWW) from cargoes deemed “Harmful to the Marine Environment” (HME), have been substantially answered after an important decision at the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee held on 13-17 May. With effect from 1 January 2013, shippers and shipowners faced difficulties in meeting the requirements of the amended…

Shipping's "Tin Ear"

Clay Maitland chastises industry as appearing to be uncaring in the face of the latest shipping casualty. In two months, the great, the good and the not-so-great-or-good will gather at the annual three-day Jamboree of the Connecticut Maritime Association (CMA). One of the hardy perennial topics is sure to be “the image of shipping”. Although the present economic challenges facing the industry are likely to overshadow most worries about our reputation, it might be useful to examine the degree of damage done by cases like the sinking on Christmas day of the VINALINES QUEEN…