Ecological Infrastructure News

Nature Conservation & Economic Activity Co-exist in Antwerp Port

The Antwerp port area is one of the most important habitats for European endangered species. No fewer than 90 protected species of plant and animal live within the port area. Furthermore, a significant proportion of these plants and animals are specific to ports, being dependent for their continued existence in Flanders on habitats that typically occur in and around ports. When protected species are found within the Antwerp port area it is forbidden for economic activities to threaten their continued existence. However, such a requirement is liable to create legal uncertainty for companies. In order to find a sustainable solution to this situation, a Species Protection Programme for the port of Antwerp has been developed over the past few years.

Port of Antwerp Wins IAPH Award

At the annual meeting of the International Association of Ports & Harbours in Los Angeles, Eddy Bruyninckx, CEO of Antwerp Port Authority, was presented with the bronze Environment Award. With its presentation “Creating Space for Port Development by Proactive Nature Management” Antwerp was able to convince the jury of the important place given to proactive nature protection measures in the long-term strategy for port development. A considerable part of the Antwerp port area is subject to the EU Habitats directive and Birds directive.