Escort Shipping Ltd News

RINA confirms Kristal class status

Italian classification society RINA says the 31,351 dwt tanker Kristal, which sank about 68 miles North of La Corunna off northern Spain in heavy weather yesterday, was fully in class and had no requirements outstanding. It was RINA class and ISM-certified by DNV. The Kristal was on passage from India to Amsterdam with a cargo of about 28,000 tons of molasses. The vessel was built in Italy in 1974 by the shipyard Cantiere Navale Breda Spa. under RINA surveillance. The Kristal was registered in Malta and owned by Escort Shipping Ltd. c/o IC Shipping Monte Carlo. Nicola Squassafichi, CEO of RINA, says, "We deeply regret the loss of lives and sinking of this vessel. This vessel was built and maintained to RINA class since 1974 and embraced within the IACS Enhanced Survey Program (ESP).