Estaleiros Rio Negro Ltda News

Robert Allan Ltd. In Manaus

There are probably more Robert Allan-designed ship docking tugs under construction world wide than any other design. So it is not surprising to see one under construction at the Estaleiros Rio Negro Ltda. (ERIN Shipyard) in Manaus, Brazil. It is undoubtedly the only Rampat 2400 being built in a yard1000 miles from the sea. But then Manaus, like so much of contemporary Brazil demands superlatives for accuracy. The first of three Rampart 2400 ship docking tugs under construction at the yard is showing the distinctive Robert Allan Ltd. lines.

Acomarin and Hermasa Enter Agreement

ACOMARIN Engineering, Ltd. has entered into an agreement with HERMASA Navegacao da Amazonia S.A. of Brazil to supply them with three new Articulated Tug and Barge (ATB) Coupling Systems plus two additional socket plates for barges only. for retrofitting the tug “Aquarius” and the barge “Mir” designed after S.S.P.A. towing tank test. The other two sets plus the barge socket plates are for new construction. Tug Hull No. 1613 and 1614 and Barge Hull No. 1610, 1611, 1612, and 1615 will be built by ERIN Shipyards (ERIN- Estaleiros Rio Negro, Ltda.) in Manaus, Brazil. INTEROCEAN Engineering and Ship Management Ltda. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil designed these new tugs and barges with ABS class certification. ERIN Shipyard will also do the installation of the ATB Coupling System.