Exploring Possible Solutions News

FMC Public Forum on US Port Congestion

Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Chairman Mario Cordero will hold a forum titled, "U.S. Port Congestion: Examining Causes, Impact on Stakeholders, and Exploring Possible Solutions" on Monday, September 15, 2014, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Port of Los Angeles’ administration building in San Pedro, Calif. According to FMC, the forum’s goal is to promote dialogue on the causes and implications of congestion at U.S. ports. Industry stakeholders, regulators, and the general public are encouraged to take part.

Public Forum to Address US Port Congestion

Federal Maritime Commissioner William P. Doyle will host a forum regarding U.S. Mid-Atlantic and Northeast port congestion on October 1, 2014 at the World Trade Center in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. FMC Commissioner Richard A. Lidinsky, Jr. will co-host this forum. The forum’s goal is to examine causes and implications of congestion at U.S. ports and possible solutions in the geographic region including port activity from Virginia to Maine. Commissioner Doyle said, "There has been significant interest from stakeholders. We’re going to discuss solutions that are already in progress.

FMC Forum to Address US Port Congestion

U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Chairman Mario Cordero will hold a forum titled, "U.S. Port Congestion: Examining Causes, Impact on Stakeholders and Exploring Possible Solutions" Monday, September 15, 2014, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Port of Los Angeles. According to the FMC, the forum’s goal is to promote dialogue on the causes and implications of congestion at U.S. ports. Topics covered will include factors causing port congestion, truck turn times, impact on stakeholders, use of technology to reduce congestion and related fees and PierPass.