External Network News

Alfa Laval Bolsters BWTS Retrofit Training

The retrofit market for ballast water treatment systems is poised to boom in the coming years, says Alfa Laval, who is actively training its network of engineering partners for its PureBallast system in order to ensure that requisite design and installation skills are in place to meet demand. When the retrofit market for ballast water treatment systems gains speed, the ability of suppliers to deliver treatment systems will only be one part of satisfying it. Specific knowledge and skills will also have to be in place among design and installation partners. For this reason, Alfa Laval has developed a comprehensive training program for engineering companies preparing to work with PureBallast.

Information Edge

The need for ship-to-shore information exchange has never been greater. Lawrence Poynter product director at iOra explores the sophisticated connectivity solutions that can keep the fleet afloat. For armchair sports fans, 2012 has been a bumper summer of wall-to-wall media coverage. For naval crews, getting the latest NASCAR results, football scores or Olympic record times is more difficult – but not impossible. Many shipping firms recognize that making sports reports available to their crews is an important way to remove the sense of isolation often felt onboard.