Far Eastern Federal University News

Sovcomflot Elects New Chairman and New CEO

On September 24, 2019, the Board of Directors of PAO Sovcomflot elected Sergey Frank as its new Chairman. Igor Tonkovidov was appointed as the company's new Chief Executive Officer. Both appointments are with immediate effect.The meeting was attended by Maxim Akimov, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, who noted in his address: "Through consistent implementation of Sovcomflot's Strategies 2005-2011 and 2012-2018, the company has transformed itself into a global leader in energy shipping and offshore services. Over the past 15 years, Sovcomflot fleet has grown more than threefold.

30 Scientists to Study O&G in Arctic Ice, Vladivostok

Today Vladivostok-based Far Eastern Federal University (FENU) opened the International School of Ice Ice Mechanics to 30 students and young scientists from Russia, China, Korea, India, Indonesia and Norway. They will study the basics of field development of oil and gas in the Arctic ice of Amur Bay Vladivostok. Also they will explore the properties of ice and arrangements for its impact on the offshore oil and gas platforms. This research will help the young scientists in the future to become parties to large-scale projects for the development of the Arctic region. Amur Bay is selected for the training of the future polar chance. This time of year can be found near Vladivostok, the main types of sea ice, which exist in the Arctic waters.

Russia Launches a Laser-Powered Ship Repair Facility

Pilot project pioneering laser repair works for the metal parts of ships and vessels has been launched in Russia's Primorsky Territory, reports Sputnik. The technology of laser reordering of metallic parts in Russia's Primorye Territory was developed by the Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) jointly with the Far Eastern Federal University and the Vladivostok-based ship-repairing center Dalzavod. Robot complexes will be equipped with high-power lasers which will allow overlaying repair coats of different metals on faulty parts automatically, fully restoring the operational integrity of separate units, the RAS Far Eastern branch said. "With the use of lasers, coats of various metals will be put on broken parts to fully restore them.