Free Oil Floating News

Finding the Ideal Biodegradable Marine Lubricant

In December 2013, the EPA through its Vessel General Permit (VGP) will introduce the mandatory use of “Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants” or EALs. These products include the lubricating oils that are directly used in applications referred to as “oil to sea interfaces” where the only thing holding the oil from entering the water is a simple seal or gasket. Understanding what this all means to you is important. Bio-degradability rating of 60% or more in 28 days (the minimum criteria to also be classified as “readily biodegradable”).

Are PAGS the Answer?

Ron van Wachem, President of Coast Lubricants and Nanaimo Shipyard Group, reasons that PAGS are the best solution to meet the new VGP requirements. In December 2013, the EPA through its Vessel General Permit (VGP) will introduce the mandatory use of  “Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants,” or EALs. These products include the lubricating oils that are directly used in applications referred to as “oil to sea interfaces” where the only thing holding the oil from entering the water is a simple seal or gasket. Understanding what this all means to you is important. The U.S.