Fronius News

Learn to Weld with a Virtual Personal Trainer

The Fohnsdorf Training Center is located in Styria, Austria. To train welders, it uses a virtual welding system – the Virtual Welding simulator from Fronius, the Austrian technology leader. The simulator employs a virtual trainer to provide 1:1 training for the center’s students, an approach that has a positive impact on training quality.A young student carefully guides the welding torch. The weaving motions she makes as she welds the single-V butt weld in front of her appear very composed, an impression that is confirmed by the consistently positive feedback from her trainer.

Discover Welding with the Weld Force

Entitled 'Operation: ARC', this new book just brought out by Fronius takes a radically new approach to acquainting outsiders with welding technology. It introduces the basics of welding and its uses to a broad public, on nearly 90 easy-reading pages packed with exciting and informative cartoon stories, easy-to-understand technical articles and personal statements from many different industry professionals. The book is especially aimed at young people, beginners and the technically interested, to whom it gives an enjoyable and fascinating insight into the world of welding technology.

Fronius Introduces Spot Welding Pedestal System

All the benefits of the C300 robotic system are now available in a stationary pedestal system. The 100 percent servo-driven, water-cooled system has an adjustable gun height, intuitive user interface, and does not require compressed air. The gun can be disassembled from the frame, then converted for use on a robot. It offers the same benefits of all DeltaSpot ® systems, such as 100 percent reproducible welds, highest efficiency, expulsion free spot welding and no tip dressing at any time. Visit for more information.

Fronius Plans for New U.S. HQ, Portage, Ind.

Fronius, a developer and manufacturers of battery charging systems, welding technology and solar electronics has announced plans to launch its U.S. headquarters in Portage, Ind. in the third quarter of 2012. Indiana Governor Mitchell E. Daniels and Portage Mayor Olga G. Velazquez joined Fronius executives, employees and other dignitaries in Northwest Indiana at a ceremony on June 23, 2011 of the future site of the Fronius U.S. headquarters.