Hamburg School Of Business Administration News

63 Begin Apprenticeship at Hapag-Lloyd

At the beginning of August, 63 young colleagues began their apprenticeship program at Hapag-Lloyd.Thirty of them are learning the typical seafaring jobs like ship mechanic, nautical officer or technical officer, while the other 33 are training to become shipping merchants or to work in office management and in the areas of transport and logistics. In addition, 11 dual-track students are beginning their studies with Hapag-Lloyd. They will take classes in a variety of subjects such as maritime management…

Ships: Deciphering the Autonomous Vessel Debate

By Captain Andrew Kinsey, Senior Marine Risk Consultant, Allianz Global Corporate & SpecialtyConfusion reigns in the ongoing debate on autonomous and remotely operated vessels. Before constructive dialogs can take place, the parameters of the discussion need to be agreed upon. Bottom line: in order to understand each other, we need to be speaking the same language.There are two recent publications that I strongly advise all maritime professionals review, as they offer valuable guidance and insight into this rapidly developing segment of the Marine Transportation Industry.

New Study on Autonomous Ships and Role of Seafarers by ICS

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has released a new study conducted by the Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) on behalf of ICS, regarding the potential effects of autonomous ships on the role of seafarers and the global shipping industry.In light of growing media interest and the diversity of expert opinions on the subject, the study seeks to separate fact from fiction.Commenting on its release, ICS Secretary General, Guy Platten said: “The two-year IMO regulatory scoping exercise for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships is now well underway to determine how existing IMO instruments can be leveraged to ensure that autonomous ships are safe…

Finalists of Wind Propulsion Innovations Awards

The International Windship Association (IWSA) has announced the shortlist, selected by shipping industry experts, for the inaugural Wind Propulsion Innovation Awards 2016 and voting is now open to everyone to select the winners in three categories – Innovation, Technology User and Research. The Lifetime Achievement Award is a closed vote for IWSA members. The Awards will be presented at a ceremony at the SMM2016 on 8th September 2016 in Hamburg. The Wind Propulsion Innovation Awards were launched by IWSA to recognise pioneering projects and technological innovation in the development of wind propulsion for technically and commercially viable solutions for different vessels across the maritime industry.

SMM Hamburg Ready for a New Beginning

At the SMM Ship Finance Forum just ahead of SMM, the leading international maritime trade fair hamburg, experts will discuss the potential and prospects for new ship financing models. In spite of low newbuilding prices, the total number of ship orders is declining around the world. Financing difficulties are part of the problem, and new concepts are in demand to revitalise the market. "In ship finance we have to address two separate issues: On the one hand, we need to put the fleet in service on a more solid financial basis. After a five-year double crisis – one affecting the financial, the other the shipping markets – that may be a tall order. On the other hand we need to finance new tonnage to be commissioned over the next few years.