Image Compression News

Rutter Releases Sigma S6 V9.2.0

Rutter Inc. has released the latest update to the Rutter sigma S6 product line, version 9.2.0. This new version is being released for general availability this week. It is also available as an upgrade on existing systems for qualifying customers.Rutter’s proprietary radar data processing system interprets data from both conventional marine navigational and coastal surveillance radars, providing enhanced radar imagery and state of the art detection, tracking, and measurement capabilities.

Benthos Granted Small Business Technology Transfer

Benthos has been awarded a Phase 1 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contract with the Office of Naval Research to develop underwater transport of video imagery from remote, autonomous sensor systems to distant human observers. The technology is based on the Benthos ATM 885 acoustic modem, combined with innovative, wavelet-based image compression and with the EMATT (Expendable Mobile ASW Training Target) vehicle built by Sippican, Inc.