James Freeland News

ICS issues wake up call for shipbrokers

Shipbrokers may soon have to show evidence of professional qualifications, warns the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS). Speaking at the Hong Kong Shipowners' Association on April 11, James Freeland, president of the ICS, pointed out that unlike other professions that deal with money, such as accountants and stockbrokers, shipbrokers are not required to pass any exams. "If shipbrokers don't wake up to this situation and do something about it, they may find themselves suddenly having restrictions imposed on them by regulatory bodies such as the Financial Services Authority in the UK," he warns. This may involve having to show evidence of attaining recognised professional qualifications. Part of the problem is the ease with which shipbrokers can set up shop.

ICS Welcomes New President

The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) has appointed Anthony Cooke and Richard Sayer as its new president and vice-president respectively. appointments will run for two years. "As the worldwide shipping industry becomes increasingly competitive, the need for all companies and individuals to give their customers the best possible service is more and more important," says Anthony. qualifications provide the visible means for both companies and individuals to demonstrate their commitment to the highest standards of competence and service. Cooke's shipping career began in 1978 when he was appointed managing director of Ellerman City Liners. management buyout in 1985 and subsequent sale to Trafalgar House in 1987.