Jim Givens Survival Company News

Life Raft Discrepancies Found by USCG

The USCG MSO Providence has publicized the findings of its life raft examination, which revealed several deficiencies in the life rafts. The USCG inspectors examined 19 life rafts from fishing vessels and pleasure boats serviced by Jim Givens Survival Company and Givens Ocean Survival Systems Co. of Newport and Portsmouth, R.I. All 19 of the life rafts were deficient. The results revealed 16 rafts had missing equipment. Three of the rafts were taken out of service and two were outright condemned. Five of the rafts had problems with the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) cylinders, and altogether, 17 rafts had items which were expired at the time of the last servicing. One raft had dry rot and tears in the fabric that had been glued back together.