Lisa B Himber News

Rochford, Himber to Receive SCI Awards

The Seamen’s Church Institute of Philadelphia and South Jersey announced that Dennis Rochford and Lisa B. Himber will be honored at its annual Spirit of the Port luncheon March 30. Rochford is president and Himber is vice president of the Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay, a nonprofit trade association. This is the first time two people have been honored in the same year, said the Rev. James D. Von Dreele, SCI’s executive director and chaplain to the port. “Our selection committee wanted to honor both Dennis and Lisa for their individual work in the maritime community -- Dennis for his long contributions to port development and Lisa for her important role in enhancing port security,” Von Dreele said. The award luncheon activities will begin with a reception at 11:30 a.m.

Maritime Exchange VP Elected to Head MISNA

At their fall meeting, members of Maritime Information Service of North America (MISNA), a non-profit association dedicated to promoting safe, secure, efficient and environmentally sound maritime operations, elected Lisa B. Himber, vice president of the Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay, to serve as the organization's president for 2004. Other officers include: Immediate Past President - Liz Wainwright, Merchants Exchange of Portland, OR; Vice President - Ed Page, Marine Exchange of Alaska; Lynn Korwatch, Marine Exchange of San Francisco Bay; and Alastair MacNab, Marine Exchange of the West Gulf. The Maritime Exchange…

Maritime Exchange Completes Enhanced Maritime Intelligence System

The Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay, a not for profit trade association representing the interests of maritime-related businesses in the tri-state region, announced the completion of a major project to convert its community based port information software to a new Internet-based platform. Known as Maritime On-Line (MOL), the system includes a collection of applications to assist maritime and law enforcement personnel with the day-to-day operations of vessel, cargo, and crew processing through U.S. seaports. The Maritime Exchange has been in the business of tracking vessel movements on the Delaware River since it was formed in 1872.

TWIC Hearing

The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation conducted a hearing on implementation of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program. Chairman Inouye (D-HI) expressed concern about the extended delays in activation of the program. Vice-Chairman Stevens (R-AK) stated that congressional tolerance for further missed deadlines is waning. Mr. Kip Hawley, Administrator, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), provided an update on the TWIC program. He stated that TWIC enrollment will begin at select ports and will proceed throughout the nation over the next 18-24 months. RADM Brian Salerno, USCG discussed the Coast Guard’s efforts in the TWIC program. Mr. Norman J.

Senate Hearing on TWIC Program

On May 16, a hearing on the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program was conducted by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Chairman Ted Stevens (R-AK) expressed concern that the program was significantly behind schedule. Deputy Secretary Michael Jackson, Department of Homeland Security, testified concerning the Coast Guard’s recent initiative on acceptable maritime credentials; proposed initiation of the TWIC process; and proposed changes to the merchant mariner credential. Mr. George P. Cummings, Port of Los Angeles, outlined elements considered critical to the TWIC program, including use of best available technology and reasonable costs to stakeholders. Ms. Lisa B.