Manufacturers Making Systems News

Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus Reaches Major Milestone

The Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus, chaired by Reps. Gene Taylor (D-MS) and Rob Wittman (R-VA), has reached a major milestone with the addition of its 100th member. The Caucus was established in 2005 to educate lawmakers about the shipbuilding industry. The Caucus also works to promote the enactment of budgets and policies geared toward rebuilding our sea services and shipbuilding industrial base. Today, it is one of the largest and most proactive caucuses in Congress. “As Members of Congress, we have a constitutional responsibility to maintain our nation’s naval fleet,” Congressman Taylor said. The shipbuilding industry is not just confined to states that have shipyards. There are 47 states that have first-tier manufacturers making systems and components for ships.