Marie Byrd Land News

Iceberg Poses Threat To Mariners In Southern Ocean

A large iceberg has entered shipping lanes between the Antarctic Peninsula and South America. The iceberg, named B-10A, measures 24 by 48 statute miles and could pose a hazard for mariners operating in the Southern Ocean, the National Ice Center reported. B-10A is presently located in the vicinity of Latitude 58 degrees, 36 minutes South, Longitude 57 degrees West, and is drifting southeast at approximately 7 to 9 miles per day. Smaller icebergs are breaking off B-10A as it moves into relatively warmer water. A cautionary zone has been established 165 miles in radius around the center point of B-10A. B-10, the “parent” iceberg from which B-10A formed, was once a piece of the Thwaites Ice Tongue, an extension of the Thwaites Glacier.