Maritime Stakeholders Group News

Uwe Schulz Honored by SCI Philadelphia

Jersey at a industry-wide luncheon on April 10, 2008. Longshoremen's Association (ILA). He is a co-founder of the Maritime Stakeholders Group (MSG), a group that represents labor, management and other affiliated maritime businesses that promotes the maritime interests in the Delaware River Region in preserving maritime land for maritime use instead of residential and other commercial uses. An active member in the Philadelphia Maritime Community, Uwe has served as President of the Board of Governors of the Philadelphia Maritime Society, Board of Directors of the Maritime Exchange, Seamen's Church Institute and Chilean/American Chamber of Commerce and as a Trustee of the PMTA-ILA Funds.

Philadelphia Maritime Interests File Lawsuit

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania has granted a request for an expedited hearing requested by major maritime interests in the Delaware River area in a lawsuit questioning the jurisdiction of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority. The hearing, scheduled presently for October 3, 2007, is based on a complaint filed by the International Longshoremen's Association District Council of Philadelphia and Wilmington (DE), the Philadelphia Marine Trade Association (PMTA) and the Maritime Stakeholders Group (MSG). The three organizations, which collectively represent more than 300 maritime-related entities, claim that the PRPA is overstepping its jurisdiction by preparing to convey maritime land to a non-maritime related use.

Plan for Port of Philadelphia to be Unveiled

The Maritime Stakeholders Group from the Port of Philadelphia will hold a news conference Wednesday March 21 at 11:30 a.m. to announce plans for a major development in Philadelphia to build a containership facility that could bring an additional 100,000 jobs back to the city. The group includes representatives of maritime employers (Ports of the Delaware River Marine Trade Association), labor (the International Longshoremen's Association) and a multitude of trade and business associations who have come together to work towards the success of this venture.