Medical And Personal Accident Insurance News

A Holistic Approach to Crew Insurance

“In 2014, does it still make sense for P&I Clubs to underwrite routine health and accident claims?” asks Robert Johnston, head of the crew medical and personal accident insurance specialist Crewsure. Commenting on the heightened atmosphere of the P&I renewal season, Mr Johnston added, “Clubs have inherited the task of dealing with seafarers who need medical treatment. Yet they are not healthcare insurers - they are ill equipped to provide 24/7 no fault medical plans or to negotiate standard fees with hospitals, and so for many years they have been forced to battle rising health bills.

Crewsure Appoints G2 Crew Services

Crewsure appointed G2 Crew Services, the recently formed partnership between Griffin Global Group Limited and Gulf Agency Company Limited, to act as its global correspondent. Crewsure provides medical and personal accident insurance directly to crew and is underwritten by the Munich Group, one of the world's leading Insurance Companies. The benefits provided are tailored to meet the needs of crew and the latest requirements of the Maritime Labor Convention (MLC). “Crewsure complements…