Meeno Schrader News

Autopilot-ECDIS Combo Helps Save Fuel

Raytheon Anschütz, with sea weather expert Dr. Meeno Schrader of WetterWelt, show joint system's fuel saving capabilities at SMM 2012. From a graphical presentation of heading plot and corresponding rudder angles, frequency and amplitudes of rudder angles can easily be identified as key indicators of autopilot efficiency. By using the graphical indication of heading and used rudder angle of the NP 5000 autopilot and the easy structured touch screen display, even untrained user are able to adjust autopilot parameters for a more efficient rudder steering. However, only to have manual adjustments is not the optimum, as Andreas Lentfer, Raytheon Anschütz BD Director explained: “Modern autopilots can also adapt to current weather and sea states automatically.