Model Technology News

ChatGPT & Maritime Training: Steps to Harness the Power

By now we have all heard about ChatGPT, an example of a “Large Language Model” technology which is remarkable in its ability to generate human-like responses to questions we ask of it. But is ChatGPT primarily a novelty, or can it provide real value in terms of its ability to create content? In my personal experience with ChatGPT, the answer is far closer to the latter than the former - but with some caveats. In this edition of Training Tips for Ships, we'll explore the steps required to harness the power of ChatGPT to generate engaging and effective maritime training materials.

Taking the Guesswork out of Navigating Tropical Cyclones

StormGeo's shipping division (formerly AWT), a provider of fleet optimization services, fleet performance and onboard voyage management software, has introduced a new multi-model technology enabling ship captains to make better routing decisions around tropical cyclones. StormGeo's Tropical Cyclone track uses multi-model ensembles and advanced analysis to narrow the "cone of uncertainty," the area extending out from a storm on a forecasting map that projects a cyclone's path. In order to improve decision-making for crew and cargo safety, the new Tropical Cyclone Multi-Model (TCMM) track technology is included in the latest versions of the onboard BVS and Routing Advisory Service.

Navy's Global Ocean Forecast System Goes Public

The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) & the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) within the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have entered into a formal agreement that results in NCEP using Navy developed global ocean forecast model technology to make environmental ocean forecasts for public use. “Development of an advanced global ocean prediction system has been a long-term Navy interest,” said Dr. Gregg Jacobs, head, NRL Ocean Dynamics and Prediction Branch.