Mohammad Souri News

NITC Claims World's Largest Supertanker Fleet

According to the head of the National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC), Iran has 42 very large crude carriers or VLCCs, each able to carry 2 million barrels of oil, reports Press TV. NITC has recently announced that after buying 20 oil tanker from China during the last two and half years, now it has 42 super-tankers with very large crude carriers (VLCC) in its navy. “No other company in the world owns that number of VLCCs,” NITC’s commercial director Nasrollah Sardashti has said. Fifteen carriers purchased in the past couple of years have now joined the fleet and are geared up for taking LPG cargoes to their clients, Iran's deputy petroleum minister for strategic affairs Mohammad Souri said, Press TV reported.

Iran Needs 34 New Oil Tankers

Iran said its needs up to 34 new oil tankers to refurbish and expand its ageing fleet. Iran currently owns or has placed orders for a total of 36 tankers, said Mohammad Souri, head of the state-owned National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC). "After taking delivery of our new tankers, the total number of our tankers will reach 36. To transfer all our export crude with our own ships, we will need to have 60 to 70," he said. Souri said Iran had placed orders for 10 new tankers from China and South Korea to double its fleet's capacity to six million tons. He did not name the shipbuilders involved. Iran plans to order up to eight liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers when production begins at its South Pars field in the Gulf, he said.

Iran Firm to Spend $2B on Tankers

National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC), Iran's supertanker operator, plans to invest over $2 billion over the next four years. The plans include building of 10 LNG carriers and 10 chemical tankers by 2009, said Mohammad Souri, chairman, NITC. Currently, Iran exports $ 3.9 billion worth of petrochemicals and this will increase to $11.5 billion by 2010, he said in a published report. Source: Trade Arabia