Net Pc News

Panama Canal Reports Increased Tonnage Flow

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) announced today second quarter (Q2) operational metrics for fiscal year 2004. Q2 data reveals an increase in tonnage flow and a rise in Panamax vessel (the maximum size vessel that can pass through the Canal) transits. Moreover, there was a notable increase in Canal revenue. These metrics are based on operations from January through March of 2004, the second quarter of the ACP's 2004 fiscal year. Panama Canal/Universal Measurement System (PC/UMS) tonnage increased this quarter by 7.8 percent - to 68,188,071 PC/UMS tons compared with 63,268,516 PC/UMS tons reported in Q2 FY2003. A record set on March 16, 2004, of more than one million (1,005,551) net PC/UMS tons transited through the Canal in one day helped to bolster these numbers.