Niels Lyngso News

Niels Lyngso Retires from West Gulf Maritime Association

WGMA says Lyngso’s retirement effective October 1, 2014. Born and raised in Denmark and finishing his shipping education including maritime law studies in 1972, Niels Lyngso has been a longtime stalwart for WGMA. Arriving in the United States in 1972 as a management trainee for Olsen & Ugelstad, he has since filled many roles along the collective, domestic waterfront. Lyngso’s maritime career has spanned many decades and still many more roles, including the management of bulk vessels and a long history in liner agency work.

SMART Institute Conference Focuses on Skilled Professionals

After 20 days offshore, Colton Hendrick and Blake Snapp are back on land, preparing for their next journey out on the water as new maritime interns with Higman Marine Services. And they love it. "It can be tough work at times, but the beauty is seeing the sun rise and set each day," said Snapp. Plus, the money and job security are incentives as well. Both Snapp and Hendrick stand to earn approximately $100,000 by the fifth year of their first maritime job. Also, with many fellow mariners talking about upcoming retirement, the idea of becoming captains isn't far-fetched either, especially when they will hold associate degrees in maritime technology.