Njord Platform News

Delayed Production Start at Njord after Gas Leak

Production on the Njord platform was shut down on April 24 as a result of operational problems with gaskets in a gas export compressor. Later the same day, during work to resume production, a gas leak was discovered in one of the risers. All production on Njord was immediately shut down and will remain shut down until the cause of the leak has been determined. Production at the Njord field has been shut down since April 1 as a safety measure, while inspection of risers is carried out after earlier discoveries of internal damage to a particular type of flexible pipe.

Developing Njord’s Northwest Flank

Statoil is developing Njord’s northwest flank. This development will increase the total recoverable reserves in the Njord field, secure continued gas exports and extend Njord’s lifetime by up to two years. The flank lies about six kilometers north-west of the Njord platform. The development solution comprises two new extended-reach wells. Drilled directly from the platform with eight kilometers of well paths, the wells will be tied back to the platform. “This is an example of…

N. Sea Production Cut By Freeze

Freezing weather in the North Sea has forced the shut-in of close to 600,000 bpd of Norwegian oil production and is hemming in another 470,000 bpd of UK output, operators said. Temperatures, which fell far below freezing over the weekend, were up close to zero Celsius on Tuesday and raising hopes that output would resume later in the day for Norway's platforms, which had shut in 400,000 bpd worth on Monday. In the UK sector of the North Sea, the Forties pipeline system was running more than half below capacity at just 330,000 bpd due to an automatic shut-down at the Unity platform. Normal Forties output is about 800,000 bpd. In Norway, Norsk Hydro suffered the most and was losing 300,000 bpd daily on Tuesday.